Title: A Case Report of Ascending Colon Perforation in A Diabetic Patient
Authors: Kshitij Kumar Singh, Noor Elahi Pasha, Vishal Kumar Neniwal, Neeraj K. Dewanda
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v5i7.222
Spontaneous perforation of colon is a rare disease with unknown etiologies. It is classified into stercoral and idiopathic types. Stercoral perforation is associated with ulcerative lesion, often in the sigmoid colon or rectum, or rarely in the cecum. The Stercoral perforation is a "round" or an "ovoid" hole with necrotic and inflammatory edges. Idiopathic perforation is a linear "tear" with a normal appearance of the colonic wall. The natural history of the 2 types have many similarities. Both entities are infrequently diagnosed preoperatively and are associated with a high mortality rate. A high index of suspicion is required for early diagnosis and treatment. But generally, stercoral perforations of the colon may be preventable. Surgical treatment is standard management and morbidity and mortality rate depends on peritoneal contamination. Here we have presented a case of ascending colon perforation in an elderly patient associated with type-2 diabetes mellitus.
Keywords: Stercoral, perforation.