Title: Ocular disorders in children with autism in special schools
Authors: Beena Thankappan, Neeta Sidhan, Aparna KS
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v5i7.147
Aim: To identify the ocular abnormalities and assess the visual function in autistic children.
Materials and Methods: This was a cross sectional study of autistic children aged between 5 to 25 years attending special schools. After obtaining prior permission, relevant medical history was taken and detailed ocular examination including visual acuity assessment and cycloplegic retinoscopy was carried out. Necessary refractive correction was given and children requiring further evaluation were referred to nearby tertiary hospitals.
Results: 40 autistic children were examined with a mean age of 12.8 + 4.41 years. Ocular abnormalities were seen in 21 children (52.50%). The most common ocular abnormality seen was refractive error (50%) followed by strabismus (7.50%). A total of 20 children (50%) were prescribed spectacles and 5 children (12.50%) children were referred for further evaluation.
Conclusion: The prevalence of ocular abnormalities is higher in children with autism than in general population. As these children depend on their visual sense to compensate for their primary disability, early detection of ocular abnormalities and timely intervention are essential to mitigate their visual impairment. Therefore, parents of autistic children and teachers in special schools have to be made aware about the importance of early screening.
Keywords: Autism, Refractive error, Visual impairment.
Beena Thankappan
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