Title: Alterations in Serum Lipid Profile & Lipid Peroxidation Status in Female Breast Tumour Patients
Authors: Dr Sanghamitra Bhoi, Dr Jyotindra Kumar Sahu, Dr Pramila Kumari Mishra, Dr Manmath Kumar Mandal
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v5i7.93
Breast Carcinoma is the most common cause of death in middle aged women in western countries. In India it is the second most common carcinoma in female next to cervical carcinoma. Our aim was to evaluate the relationship of lipid profile and Lipid peroxidation status with breast tumour. These findings suggest that obesity is not an important risk factor in development breast tumour. Early menarche, late menopause and low parity are definite risk factors. Dyslipidemia is definitely associated with breast tumour whether it is a cause or effect of tumour it is not exactly known. There is definite increase in ROS production oxidative stress is more in case of breast tumour patients both in benign and malignant group.
Keywords: Lipid profile, Malondialdehyde & breast tumour.
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