Title: Role of Life Style Factors with Respect to Semen Quality and ART
Authors: R.R.Maggavi, S.A.Pujari, Vijaykumar C.N
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v5i7.03
One of the most painful problems of marital life is infertility. There are various causes of infertility such as endometriosis, ovulatory disorder, chromosomal abnormalities, semen quality and idiopathic infertility. The current approaches in the treatment of infertility, the problem could be resolved to some extent by adopting modern treatment and procedures as well as healthy lifestyle. In last few years remarkable changes have been observed in our environment, diet and lifestyle. The effect of lifestyle factors on human reproductive potential might be varying because of circumstances or individual susceptibility. The incidence of male infertility is one of the rise probably due to environmental factors, psychosomatic disorders, stress as well as personal habits including medications. Special attention has been devoted in the scientific literature that is well established as health risks, viz. smoking, alcohol and obesity. Other factors that are being considered in the literature are abuse of drugs, genital health heat stress, physiological stress and effects of cellular phones. Assisted reproductive technology provides a means to bypass their woes. Several techniques exist depending on the extent of the infertility.
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