Title: Erectile Dysfunction and Severity of Alcohol Dependence
Authors: Dr Seenivasan, Dr Venkatesh Mathan Kumar
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v5i6.111
Background: It was reported that long-term and high amount of alcohol consumption cause sexual dysfunction in men. Men with alcohol dependence (AD) commonly suffer from alcohol-induced sexual (erectile) dysfunction (ED).
Aim: We attempted to assess the prevalence of erectile dysfunction in male subjects with alcohol dependence and severity of alcohol dependence. We also aimed to assess association between severity of alcohol dependence and erectile dysfunction.
Materials and Methods: Forty four male subjects who came for treatment in psychiatric department with a diagnosis of alcohol dependence syndrome with simple withdrawal symptoms (F10.30, ICD-10 criteria) were assessed for erectile dysfunction by using International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF) and alcohol dependence by using severity of alcohol dependence questionnaire (SADQ).
Results: The mean total IIEF score of 44 patients was 54.36. The mean erectile function score of 44 patients was 23.36. Twenty nine patients (65.9%) had erectile dysfunction. The patients were divided into three groups by SADQ scores as mild (n=2, 4.5%), moderate (n=24, 54.5%), severe (n=18, 41%) alcohol dependents. Severe alcohol dependent groups had low IIEF scores and erectile function scores than moderate and mild groups. Onset of alcohol drinking, quantity of daily alcohol consumption and severity of alcohol dependence were positively correlated with erectile function domain scores.
Conclusion: Erectile dysfunction may be much more common than is being reported in alcohol dependent males. Heavy alcohol drinking, chronic and persistent and early onset of alcohol drinking in males have more chances of developing erectile dysfunction.
Keywords: alcohol dependence severity, erectile dysfunction.