Background: Chronic pelvic pain is defined as pain localized to pelvis or lower abdomen below the line joining the two anterior superior iliac spines of at least 6months duration .Chronic pelvic pain is a common medical problem affecting men and women .The causes are often obscure ,too often physical signs are not specific.
Aims and Objectives
1. To evaluate various causes of chronic pelvic pain.
2. To find out the correlation and compare the efficacy of clinical examination and diagnostic laparoscopy
3. To make intervention as well if possible.
Materials and Methods: This prospective study was conducted in Lalla Ded Hospital, a 500 bedded Associated Hospital of The Government Medical College, Srinagar, The study was conducted over a period of one year and total number of 100 patients were enrolled of age group 20-50yrs with pelvic pain of >6months duration.
Results: Maximum number of cases with chronic pelvic pain belonged to age group of 31-40yrs.Mean age of patients was 34.2+69 yrs. Mean duration of pain was 30.3+_25.67(7,120) months. The associate complaints were dysmenorrheal (50%), menorrhagia (24%)and infertility(10%).Among the 87 patients with abnormal findings on laparoscopic examinations 58 had abnormal clinical findings .Laparoscopy was more predictive in evaluation causes of CPP such as pelvic inflammatory disease(36%),pelvic adhesions (27%), endometriosis (29%), and pelvic congestions(13%).
Conclusion: Diagnostic laparoscopy is more sensitive method for evaluation of chronic pelvic pain.
Keyword: Chronic pelvic pain, clinical examination, laparoscopy.
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