Title: Using Various Types of Lethal Ovitrap to Control Aedes sp in Endemic Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF)
Authors: Asep Tata Gunawan, Teguh Widiyanto, Arif Widyanto
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v5i5.159
Introduction: Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) every year always strikes all districts in Indonesia which frequently becomes an extraordinary occurrence. The vector control conducted yet has not yielded optimal results.
Objective: One of Aedes sp control methods without insecticides is using egg traps (lethal ovitrap). The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of lethal ovitrap in controlling the dengue vector (Aedes sp)
Methods: This research is an experiment in the field in the district of Banyumas, Central Java, Indonesia. The study was conducted at the home of DHF patients in endemic areas by placing lethal ovitraps on 108 homes studied and data were analyzed by using analysis of variance.
Result: The results of this study indicated that the number of Aedes sp (egg, larva, pupa, adult) trapped in the can lethal ovitrap using attractants hay infusion were 638 (19%), the lethal ovitrap plastic glass were 1.646 (50%) and the lethal ovitrap bamboo cuts were 1.037 (31%). Anova test results show the value of p (sig.) was 0.404 > 0.05 indicating the acceptance of Ho accepted meaning there is no difference in the number of Aedes sp trapped in various types of lethal ovitrap. However descriptively, lethal ovitrap plastic cups with hay infusion attractants are the most effective for trapping Aedes sp Mosquitoes.
Conclusion: The lethal ovitrap plastic cup with hay infusion attractant can be applied together with other Mosquitos Nest Elimination program done routinely with the cadres to reduce the number of Aedes sp and installation of the ovitrap can be carried out simultaneously in dengue endemic areas. Lethal ovitrap can be ovistripped with white color on top of it as medium for mosquitoes lay their eggs and to make easier to count the number of eggs.
Keywords: Lethal ovitrap, Aedes sp, Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF), Mosquitos Nest Elimination.