In designing a drug dosage, required additional materials appropriate selection in the formulation. It is not desirable in case of incompatibility because it will produce a preparation quality is not good. The purpose of this research is to design software algorithms capable of analyzing the incompatibility of an additive based on incompatibility data in the handbook of pharmaceutical excipients 6 edition accompanied by a description of the material features and feature restrictions concentration. This software is called EXC-Sol. After the simulation, EXC-Sol capable to designing 35 of suspension formula by different suspending agents in each formula. The simulation results have been compared with the source incompatibility data for validation and the results did not show any material information that is incompatible in the 35th formula EXC-Sol simulation results.
Keywords: EXC-Sol, incompatibility, suspension.
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Corresponding Author
Abdul Kahar Umar
Pharmacy Department, Faculty of Mathematic and Natural Sciences, Tadulako University
Jl. Soekarno-Hatta km. 9, Palu, Central Sulawesi