Title: Analysis the Clinical Profile of children Admitted with Kerosene Poisoning in a tertiary care Medical College Hospital
Authors: Dr Wakil Paswan. Dr Bankey Behari Singh
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v5i5.34
Introduction: Kerosene Poisoning is an important and preventable cause of morbidity and mortality in the developing world. Kerosene aspiration may be associated with pulmonary complications and sometimes death.
Objectives: To study the clinical profile of children with kerosene poisoning.
Material and Methods: This is retrospective study of children admitted with kerosene poisoning in A.N.M.M college Hospital Gaya between the years 2015 to 2017. Demographic and clinical data were recorded from the case records.
Results: 105 children were admitted with kerosene poisoning Male preponderance (57%) was noted. There was seasonal preponderance in the months of April to June. There was also an rural preponderance. The peak age group was from 1 to 3 years. Cough. (82%) fever (69%) and vomiting and Nausea (78%) were the dominant symptoms. Radiologically Right lower lobe infiltration was seen in 52.3% in children and bilateral lower lobe infiltration was seen in 13.3 % of children.
Conclusion: All pediatrics age groups are at risk of Acute kerosene poisoning. Most children suffer due to unintentional poisoning because of easy availability of kerosene in their house itself. As Acute kerosene poisoning is preventable it must be given due importance in health control programs at all levels of health care.
Keywords: Kerosene, Aspiration, Children, Vomiting, Pneumonitis.