The present prospective study was conducted to evaluate the prevalence of anemia, its type and therapeutic measures in chronic liver disease (CLD) patients. In cross sectional study of anemia profile including, Complete Blood Count (CBC), reticulocyte count, S. Iron, S. Ferritin, S. TIBC, G6PD, S.B12 and Coomb test was done in all selected CLD patients included in study. The therapy of anemia was also analyzed. In CLD cases 88% patients suffering from anemia. Most common type of anemia is normocytic normochromic. Macrocytic anemia is associated with history of alcoholism. Anemia can be treated with replacement of PCV and replacement of vitamin B12 and Folic acid therapy.
Keywords: Anemia, Chronic Liver Disease, Therapeutic.
1. Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research 14 (4): 461- 470, 2013 ISSN 1990-9233,© IDOSI Publications, 2013 DOI: 10.5829/idosi.mejsr.2013.14.4.7321.
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Naimish Patel
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