Tuberculosis (TB) is an infectious disease that primarily affects lungs followed by other organs. Extra-pulmonary TB can present with non-specific symptoms such as unintentional weight loss (more than 1.5 kg in a month), night sweats and fever for more than 2 weeks. Other symptoms depend on the site or organ affected.
Aims and Objectives; To study the demographic, clinico-pathological features and outcome of extra- pulmonary tuberculosis patients at a tertiary care hospital of Kashmir valley.
Materials and Methods: A prospective study with regard to demography and clinic-pathological features and outcome, of extra-pulmonary tuberculosis patients above 18 years was conducted over two years which was recorded interpreted and analyzed.
Results and Observation: In our study of 148 patients of extra- pulmonary tuberculosis we found 106 of them below age of 45 years with mean age of 45 yrs±11.22. Males predominated being 91 (61.4%), labourers and students comprised 40 each (27%). 116(78.3%) were from rural areas. 2 patients were found to be HIV Positive. 36 (24.3%) were smokers and a total of 93 (62.8%) were married. Mean Hb was 10.8±2.30 g/dl, TLC count was 7.73±2.80 mm3, platelet count was 232.23±100 mm3. Erythrocyte sedimentation rate was 46.2±11.3mmhr. Fever, Weight loss and anorexia were most common symptoms. 144 (97.2%) gotcured, 4 patients died not because of tuberculosis , but of underlying diseases. 24 (16.2%) patients had ATT induced Hepatitis, 11 (7.4%) had Hyperurecemia, 9(6.08%) had Gastritis, 6(4.05%) had Nausea/Vomiting, 2 (1.35%) had Neuropsychiatric manifestation.
Conclusion: Tuberculosis most commonly occurs in younger patients, especially from rural area. The disease is most often seen in those who work in overcrowded and unhygienic places. Due to low prevelance of HIV in Kashmir association with HIV was low. Most patients had good response to daily regimen and most common drug related side effect was hepatitis. Genetic aspect could be the possible factor for drug response and toxicity.
Keywords: Demography ;Extra-pulmonary tuberculosis; outcome.
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