Title: Use of Ilizarov ring Fixator in the Management of Non-Union of Long Bones
Author: Dr Kishore .S
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v5i2.06
The aim of treatment of non-union is to achieve a stable union without residual infection, deformities or shortening. The various techniques that are used in the treatment of non-union have all produced inconsistent results. The principle of Ilizarov method along with the technique of bone transport allows the orthopaedic surgeon unprecedented control over osteogenesis, radical debridement of infected bone and soft tissue while maintaining stability and allows simultaneous correction of deformity and limb length discrepancy.
Objective – To evaluate the effectiveness of Ilizarov’s principles and methods in the treatment of non-union.
Materials and Methods- This prospective study was conducted in the Department of Orthopaedics, Govt. Medical College, Trivandrum. 25 cases of non-union of tibia, humerus and femur were included in the study. The bone result and functional result of these patients after Ilizarov technique was assessed.
Results – Of the 25 cases included in the study, 96 % were non-union of tibia, 76% were compound fractures and 72 % were infected at the commencement of treatment. At the last follow up, 96 % cases did not require any assistive device for ambulation.
Conclusion– The use of Ilizarov principle and methods in our study of 25 cases of non-union with complications like infection, shortening, deformity , and soft tissue loss has given excellent results.
Keywords – Non-union ,Ilizarov technique , fracture.