Title: Abruptio Placentae – Risk Factors and Clinical Manifestations
Authors: Lakshmi.B.S, Shilpa Nair
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v5i1.82
Background: Abruptio placentae is one of the major cause of ante partum haemorrhage. Many risk factors are known to be associated with increased risk of abruption such as smoking, maternal age and pregnancy induced hypertension.
Objectives: To determine the risk factors of abruption in our population and to identify the signs and symptoms of abruption in them.
Materials and Methods: Retrospective case- control study where all cases of abruption which occurred in a one year period were included . Patients with classical signs and symptoms of abruption and diagnosed in the antenatal period and all patients diagnosed post natally by the presence of retroplacental clot was included in the study. Control group consisted of equal number of patients selected randomly. Statistical analysis for comparing the risk factors was performed using Chi Square test.
Result: The incidence of placental abruption during the study period was 0.52 %. Major risk factors for abruption were age more than 30 years, previous history of abruption, prematurity, pregnancy induced hypertension and Premature rupture of membrane. Most of the cases presented as abdominal pain (74.44%) and bleeding per vaginum (73.33%).
Conclusion: Placental abruption is a major cause of antepartum haemorrhage and is an obstetric emergency. Early diagnosis and prompt treatment will minimize the serious sequelae to a great extent.
Keywords: Placental abruption, Pre – eclampsia, risk factors.