Title: Beyond Frontal Leads: Unveiling Optimal Electrode Placements for BIS Monitoring in Neurosurgical Cases
Authors: Dr Roshni Cheema, Dr Pratima Kothare
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v12i12.06
- Background: At the core of general anesthesia lies the critical objective of ensuring patient comfort while preventing awareness, not only to alleviate psychological distress but also to shield the anesthesiologist from potential legal repercussions(1). The consequence of inadequate sedation is the potential postoperative recollection of pain and sounds, underscoring the indispensable role of the Bispectral Index (BIS) in monitoring sedation depth through EEG signals, translated into an objective numerical value.(2) Maintaining BIS values within the 40 to 60 range is imperative to guarantee optimal anesthesia, mitigate awareness, and diminish the likelihood of patient distress and legal entanglements for the anesthesiologist(3,4). This significance is particularly accentuated in the intricate landscape of extensive neurosurgical brain and spine procedures.