Title: Congenital Ptosis – Reconstructive Surgery by Occipitofrontalis Muscle Transfer
Authors: M.Radhakrishnan, Edwin Emperor Cyril Raj, Ahamed Rafeeq Meeran, Manimegalai Radhakrishnan, Suja S R, Leeja Latheef L
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v4i12.05
INTRODUCTION ANATOMY OCCIPITOFRONTALIS MUSCLE Occipitofrontalis covers the dome of the skull from the highest nuchal lines of the eyebrows. It is a broad, musculofibrous layer and consists of four thin, muscular quadrilateral parts, two occipital and two frontal, connected by the epicranial aponeurosis. Each occipital part (occipitalis) arises by tendinous fibres from the lateral two-thirds of the highest nuchal line of the occipital bone and the adjacent region of the mastoid part of the temporal bone, and extends forward to join the aponeurosis. The gap between the occipital parts is occupied by an extension of the epicranial aponeurosis. Each frontal part (frontalis) is adherent to the superficial fascia, particularly of the eyebrows. Although frontalois has no bony attachments of its own, its fibres blend with those of adjacent muscles-procerus, corrugators superc-ilii and orbicularis oculi- and ascend to join the epicranial aponeurosis in front of the coronal suture. 1. Modified Staged Surgical Intervention for Blepharophimosis-Ptosis-Epicanthus Inversus Syndrome: 125 Cases With Encouraging Results 2. Song, Xin MD, PhD*; Jia, Renbing MD, PhD*; Zhu, Huimin MD*; Zhou, Yixiong MD, PhD*; Sun, Ying MD*; Lin, Ming MD*; Fu, Yao MD, PhD*; Li, Jin MD, PhD*; Li, Zhengkang MD*; Lu, Linna MD*; Shen, Yundun MD†; Ge, Shengfang PhD*; Fan, Xianqun MD, PhD* 3. Frontalis Muscle Advancement: A Dynamic Structure for the Treatment of Severe Congenital Eyelid Ptosis Ramirez, Oscar M. M.D.; Peña, Guillermo M.D. Ptosis Surgery: Past, Present, and Future.Beard, Crowell M.D 4. Various Modifications of Müller's Muscle-Conjunctival Resection for Ptosis Repair, Shu-Lang Liao,1 and Ann Yi-chiun Chuang 5. A One-Stage Correction of the Blepharophimosis Syndrome Using a Standard Combination of Surgical Techniques Sebastiá, R., Herzog Neto, G., Fallico, E. et al. Aesth Plast Surg (2011)Abstract
2 Department of Ophthalmology, National Taiwan University Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan, Department of Ophthalmology, Mackay Memorial Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan.