Title: Case study of Panchvalkala Kwath for Sitz Bath & Abhayarishta, Kumaryasav & Kshar sutra Application in management of Bhagandar w.s.r to Fistula- in- Ano

Authors: Dr Chandan Kumar Pathak, Dr Anant Saznam, Dr Deepali Sundari Verma, Dr Haider Ali

 DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v12i05.08


Fistula in Ano is a chronic inflammatory condition having a tubular structure with opening in the Anorectal canal at one end and surface of perineum or perianal skin on the other end. Any opening in perianal area with chronic pus discharge indicates fistulous tract. Prolong sitting, unhygienic condition, obesity, repeated irritation due to hair may increase the risk of occurrence. In Ayurveda it is correlated with Bhagandar and Acharya Sushruta mentioned five types of Bhagandar. He had explained Shastra karma along with Kshar karma and Bheshaja chikitsa for treatment. Here a case of fistula in Ano in a 21 years male patient was examined in Shalya OPD and treated with Ksharsutra, considering it as an ideal procedure in treatment of Bhagandar as it cuts and curettes the unhealthy tissue present inside the fistulous tract. An Anal fistula can heal more quickly after taking a sitz bath. The warm water helps ease pain and suffering while also reducing inflammation. Moreover, it can aid in maintaining cleanliness in the affected area, lowering the chance of infection. Abhayarishta and Kumaryasav can be used as a laxative to help manage constipation.

Keywords: Bhagandar, Fistula-in-Ano, Kshar Sutra, Abhayarishta.


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Corresponding Author

Dr Chandan Kumar Pathak

PG Scholar Dept. of Shalya Tantra GACH Patna