Title: Case Report on Malignant Mixed Mullerian Tumor, Endometrium with heterologous elements

Authors: Dr Akshita Mehta, Dr Sarita Asotra

 DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v8i11.21


Malignat mixed mullerian tumor of endometrium also called carcinosarcoma. MMMT is a rare and aggressive form of cancer of uterus, the ovaries, the fallopian tubes and other parts of the body with malignant epithelial as well as mesenchymal component. We present a case of 70 year old post-menopausal women with complaints of post-menopausal bleeding and pain abdomen treated with hysterectomy and bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy histopathologically diagnosed with Carcinosarcoma.


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Corresponding Author

Dr Sarita Asotra

Associate Professor, Department of Pathology, IGMC SHIMLA, H.P., India