Title: Study of Gynaecological Problems Faced by Adolescents in a Tertiary Care Centre

Authors: Anamika, Sujata Kumari, Rakhi Singh

 DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v8i5.60



Introduction: The golden period of adolescence hallmarks the beginning of a prospective future woman. Studying the gynaecological aspects of the problems faced by an adolescent girl will guide us to the better management and behold the promise of a healthier adult.

Aims and Objectives

  1. To study prevalence of gynaecological health problems in adolescent population.
  2. To study the etiology of various problems

Materials and Methods: A total of 400 girls aged 10 to 19 years were included in the study. After detailed history and physical examination subjects were evaluated on basis of ultrasound, hemogram, routine urine, hormonal study, coagulaton profile etc.

Results: Menstrual disorders were the commonest problem faced by adolescents seeking medical help (62.5%) followed by pain lower abdomen (17.25%), leucorrhoea (5.75%), unwed teenage pregnancy (5%), breast related disorders(4.5%),septic abortion(3.5%) and sexual assault(1.5%).

Conclusion: Adolescent gynaecology needs major focus as timely diagnosis and intervention will promote better healthcare.

Keywords: adolescence, Menstrual disorder, teenage pregnancy.


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Corresponding Author

Dr Anamika

Senior Resident, P.M.C.H, Patna, India