Title: Clinical profile of HIV infected patients in a tertiary health care centre in Northern India

Authors: Dr Rajiv Raina, Dr Swati Mahajan, Dr Mohit Bajaj

 DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v8i4.90



Introduction: The Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is a lentivirus (subgroup of retrovirus) that causes HIV infection and over time Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS). HIV causes progressive impairment in body’s immune system leading to increased susceptibility to fatal opportunistic infections known as acquired immune-deficiency syndrome (AIDS). The aim of our study was to study the clinical profile of HIV infected patients.

Materials: It was an observational study including 127 HIV positive patients in a tertiary health care centre. According to the WHO case definition, HIV in adults and children 18 months or older is diagnosed based on positive HIV antibody testing (rapid or laboratory-based enzyme immunoassay).This is confirmed by a second HIV antibody test (rapid or laboratory-based enzyme immunoassay) and/or; positive virological test for HIV or its components (HIV-RNA or HIV-DNA or ultrasensitive HIV p24 antigen) confirmed by a second virological test obtained from a separate determination.

Observations: In our study, out of the 127 HIV/AIDS patients, majority 54(42.52%) belonged to 31-40 years of age group, 71(55.9%) were males, married patients were 121 (95.28%), less educated group had majority with maximum among the group educated till 12th standard (53.54%), majority of male subjects were drivers by profession(39.44%) and females were housewives(80.36%).Majority 44(34.64%) had CD4 count between 251-500.

Conclusion: The present study found that most of the HIV infected patients were from sexually active age group. The commonest mode of acquiring infection was heterosexual contact, emphasizing the need to strengthen our Information education and communication (IEC) strategies to contain HIV/AIDS.

Keyword: HIV, AIDS.


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Corresponding Author

Dr Swati Mahajan

Senior Resident, Department of Medicine, DRRPGMC Tanda at Kangra Pin 176001, India