Title: Changing Trends in Retinopathy of Prematurity Profile in A Tertiary Care Centre in India

Authors: Dr Miloni Shah, Dr Kalpana Singh, Dr Mrunall Borrse, Dr Pranjali Pawar

 DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v7i9.112



Background: To conduct an effective ROP screening program according to the National Neonatology Forum (NNF) and to identify the infants who could benefit from treatment and make appropriate recommendations on the timing of future screening.

Aims and Objectives: To estimate the incidence of ROP among Premature infants.

Material and Methods: A Prospective Observational study of 2 year in which 170 patients were screened with following criteria:GA at birth of ≤ 35 weeks, BW< 1700 gms, exposed to oxygen > 30days, other factors that can increase the risk of ROP and where screening should be considered are premature babies >37 weeks and >1700gms. The first screening was done within 4 weeks (30 days) of life in infants with age >28 weeks of GA, 2-3 weeks after birth if GA <28 weeks or BW is <1200gms

Results: Out of the 170 babies screened 35 babies had ROP. Incidence of ROP in our study was 20.59%. Mean BW of ROP babies was 1528.94±334.59 g. Mean GA at birth of ROP babies was 32.31± 2.38 weeks, (range 26-39 weeks). Using the current AAP screening guidelines (≤ 1500g BW or ≤32 weeks GA) 8 babies (16 eyes) i.e 22.85% would have been missed. 11 eyes of 6 babies (68.75%) would have been missed if UKRCPH were used.

Conclusion: ROP may be seen in heavier and larger babies in India that have consequently a shorter window period for development of ROP.

Keywords: Retinopathy of Prematurity, Screening, Gestational Age, Birth Weight.


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Corresponding Author

Dr Miloni Shah

Permanent Address: 601, Manju Castle, 51- A St. Xavier’s Road, Vile Parle West. Mumbai 400056. India