Title: Quantitative Evaluation of Bone Loss around Carious and Restored Teeth: A CBCT Study

Authors: Dr Maya S. Indurkar, Dr Ketaki S. Dhumal, Dr Renu Verma

 DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v7i9.100



Background: The teeth with proximal caries and proximal overhanging restorations lead to the food lodgement, provide a niche for plaque accumulation and increase the local factors for gingival inflammation and periodontal bone loss. So the present study aims to evaluate the amount of bone loss around such teeth.

Aim: To evaluate the amount of bone loss around teeth with caries, restoration and root canal treated teeth.

Material and Methods: 100 CBCTs of patients within the age range of 20-70 years will be included in the study. The bone loss will be assessed by direct measurement of the distance between the cementoenamel junction (CEJ) and the most coronal location of the bone margin adjacent to a clearly visible ligament space which was defined as the alveolar bone level (BL); in case of horizontal bone loss. Bone loss will considered to be present when the CEJ to alveolar bone distance is equal to 2.0 mm or more.

Results: The present study demonstrated that there is a statistically significant association between proximal caries, defective dental restorations and bone loss. The bone loss was found to be maximum around tooth with defective restorations followed by tooth with proximal caries; while endodontically treated teeth showed bone loss around them but the association was insignificant.


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Corresponding Author

Dr Ketaki S. Dhumal

3rd Year Post Graduate Student, Government Dental College and Hospital, Aurangabad