Title: An Observational Study of drug use patterns in Depression patients in an Outpatient Department

Authors: P.Laxmi, S.Mounika, B. Jagadeesh Babu, P.Kishore

 DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v7i9.93



Depression is an extremely common illness affecting people of all ages, gender and different socioeconomic groups all over the world. Globally, an estimated 322 million people were affected by depression in 2015. As per National Mental Health Survey (NMHS)  (2015-16) in India, a total of over 45 million person suffered with depression in 2015. A Prospective observational study was conducted in100 patients and pertinent information was collected and prescribing pattern was analyzed. Among 100 cases of depression collected, we observed that monotherapy (61%) was preferred over dual therapy (37%). Selective Serotonin Receptor Inhibitors (SSRI) were the most common class of drugs used followed by tricyclic antidepressants. Fluoxetine (45.9%) was most commonly prescribed drug in monotherapy and Escitalopram and Clonazepam (54%) combination therapy is most frequently used combination therapy. The findings of our study were similar to those of other studies conducted to evaluate the use of antidepressants.

Keywords: Depression, monotherapy, SSRI, Fluoxetine.


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Corresponding Author

P Kishore Ph.D.

Department of Pharmacy Practice, Care College of Pharmacy, Oglapur(v), Damera (M), Warangal Rural, Telangana-506006, India