Title: A Quasi Experimental Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Program on Epilepsy and Its Management among Students in Selected Educational Colleges, Punjab

Author: Manvirpal Kaur

 DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v7i9.84



The present study was conducted to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching program on epilepsy and its management among students in selected educational colleges, Punjab. The main purpose of the study was to create awareness among students of educational colleges regarding epilepsy and its management through structured teaching program. The Conceptual framework was developed on the basis of General System Theory by Ludwig Von Bertalanffy (1968)27. A self structured multiple choice questionnaire on epilepsy and its management was prepared to assess the knowledge of students. An experimental research approach and quasi experimental research design was adopted .60 students were selected by using non probability convinient sampling technique. The independent variables in the study were age(in years), gender, type of family ,family income per month, religion, area of residence, family history of epilepsy ,source of information. The dependent variable in the study was knowledge of students of educational colleges regarding epilepsy and its management. A self structured knowledge questionnaire on epilepsy and its management was prepared. The data was analysed by descriptive and inferential statistics.  Following results were drawn based on findings of study. It showed  that in experimental and control group respectively, majority  (50% ,63.33%)of   students were from age group 22-25 years and  highest (53.33%,70%)were females, maximum(56.67%,56.67%) from nuclear and joint families, majority (63.33% ,36.67%)had family income per month ≥15,001and 5,001-10,000. Maximum (56.67%, 73.33%) were from Sikh religion and maximum (93.33%,100%) students had not family history of epilepsy in experimental and control group respectively. Most (60%,73.33%) of students were from urban and rural area and majority(36.67%, 70%) of students gained information from other source of information and  TV/Radio. The difference between mean pre test knowledge scores on epilepsy and its management among students in experimental and control group was non significant but difference between post test knowledge score was significant statistically. There was statistically significant effect of age, family income per month, religion, source of information on student’s knowledge regarding epilepsy and its management. There was statistically non-significant effect of gender, type of family, area of residence, family history on student’s knowledge regarding epilepsy and its management.


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Corresponding Author

Manvirpal Kaur

Guru Hargobind College of Nursing, Raikot, Ludhiana, Punjab (India)