Title: An Observational Study to find out Frequency of Bronchial Asthma among Patients with Successful Treatment of Pulmonary Tuberculosis

Authors: Dr Surendra Kumar, Dr Sunil Kumar Agrawal

 DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v7i9.52



Aim: To find out Frequency of Bronchial Asthma among post Tuberculosis patients with successful treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis (PTB).

Method: This is an observational study conducted at Chest department OPD at patna Medical College & Hospital. After completion of TB treatment for PTB patients still presenting with cough, dyspnea and recurent wheezing were send to speciality clinic of chest department. According to diagnostic criteria which was spirometry patients were either excluded or included in the study after recording of complete history, thorough examination. Social sciences (SPSS) version 17 were used to analyze the data.

Result: 230 patients were examined, interviewed and PFTSs were done. Males were 108(47%), females 122(53%) and Asthma was found in 70 (30%) of patients with 40 (57%) females and 30(43%) males. Maximum numbers of patients were between 15 and 45 years of age.

Conclusion: In patients with history of successfully treated PTB previously Bronchial asthma is a common problem. To established the exact mechanism a large randomised control study should be conducted.


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Corresponding Author

Dr Sunil Kumar Agrawal

Assistant Professor, Department of T.B. & Chest, Patna Medical College and Hospital, Patna, Bihar, India