Title: Management of Dengue Fever

Authors: Manoj Kumar, Omkar Singh, Surya Kamal Verma, Vishnu Rawat,  Sanjay Kumar Singh

 DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v7i9.34




Our country has been facing new problem since the emergence of dengue fever when first case was diagnosed in Kolkata in 1963. Favourable climate and rapid urbanization have provided enough platform for Dengue to develop as an epidemic for last 20 years. India faces repeated epidemic of dengue in almost every monsoon season (August to November) and every outbreak of dengue creates a state of panic among patients, doctors and media persons. This is mainly due to problem of over diagnosis & under diagnosis and irrational management. Dengue virus belongs to Genus Flavivirus, Family Flaviviridae and has four serotypes (1-4) and all four stereotypes are prevalent in our country and Type II is the most dangerous. These virus are transmitted predominantly by Aedes Aegypti commonly known as Tiger Mosquito. Mosquito breeds in relatively fresh stagnant (as in cooler) water and is day time biter with a limited flight range of 100 yards. Therefore it is advisable to wear full sleeve shirts and pants to avoid day time bite by mosquito.


  1. Dengue Guidelines for Diagnosis, Treatment, Prevention and Control: WHO/HTM/NTD/DEN/2009.1

Corresponding Author

Omkar Singh

Assistant Professor, Department of General Medicine, Autonomous State Medical College, Firozabad