Title: Role of Diagnostic Hysteroscopy in Abnormal uterine bleeding in perimenopausal females and its histopathological correlation

Authors: Dr Kalpana Tiwari, Dr Abhishek Pareek

 DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v7i7.175


Background: Abnormal uterine bleeding is defined as any deviation from the normal menstrual cycle which includes any change in regularity, frequency of menses, duration or amount of bleeding during or in between periods. Objective of this study is to evaluate the diagnostic hysteroscopy in perimenopausal women with abnormal uterine bleeding.

Methods: This study was conducted in women presenting to the gynecological OPD with complain of abnormal uterine bleeding in perimenopausal age group. A total of 50 patients were subjected to diagnostic hysteroscopy.

Results: In this study the Mean age was 44.3 yr. Majority (48%) of patients were in age group of 40-44 yrs. 94% were multiparous. 50% presented with heavy menstrual bleeding. In 56% hysteroscopy was normal and remaining 44% showed abnormal endometrial finding, out of which endometrial hyperplasia seen in 20% cases, polyp in 16% and sub mucosal fibroid in 8% cases. Hysteroscopy has 100% sensitive and 100% specific for endometrial polyp and sub mucosal fibroid indicating that hysteroscopy is the best modality for diagnosing intrauterine pathologies. In the present study hysteroscopy had overall sensitivity, specificity, PPV, NPV 89.36%, 94.77%, 84% & 96.66%.

Conclusion: hysteroscopy is important tool for diagnosing various intrauterine lesions. It should be employed hand in hand in evaluation on AUB.

Keywords: AUB, Hysteroscopy, Endometrial pathology.


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Corresponding Author

Dr Abhishek Pareek

Senior Consultant, Dept. of Surgical Oncology, HCG Hospital, Jaipur, India