Title: Role of Ozone Therapy and Cancer: Myth or Reality?

Authors: Vatsal Singh, Rishabh Gupta, Sandeep Kumar, Bhaskar Agarwal

 DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v7i7.127


Aim: Our aim to establish whether or not ozone therapy has any role in cancer treatment.

Material & Method: A thorough computer search using PubMed, Google Scholar, Wikipedia and Yahoo search engine, search through cross-references and hand search in the libraries was performed.

Results: The basis of using ozone for the treatment of cancer is that it reduces tumor hypoxemia, thus allowing greater efficacy of radiotherapy and/or chemotherapy, is indeed strong.

Conclusion: In spite of introduction of many new modern age drugs and advanced surgical procedures, there is no definite cure for disseminated cancer at present. Aggressive treatment options like radiotherapy and chemotherapy have many potentially fatal side effects and decrease quality of life of the patients. Ozone may be an additional option to improve patient related outcome and reduce side effects.

Keywords: Ozone therapy, Cancer, Radiotherapy, Chemotherapy.


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Corresponding Author

Dr Bhaskar Agarwal

H. No. 1060, Sadar Gola Bazar, Cantt., Lucknow-226002, Uttar Pradesh, India