Title: Comparison of Diagnostic and Therapeutic Skills among Interns Trained in Dermatology and from those Untrained

Author: Dr Deepa Augustine

 DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v7i7.41


Dermatology is slowly emerging as an exciting medical specialty in India .But the effectiveness of undergraduate curriculum in dermatology is questionable The Indian Medical Graduate lack a compulsory training in Dermatology during their internship. This present situation raised a question whether compulsory training in Dermatology during internship improves the diagnostic and therapeutic skills among Indian Medical graduate. A single institution descriptive study is conducted in the Department of Dermatology Government Medical College Ernakulam where two groups of interns of 40 each   were randomly selected from a total of 100 interns who gave consent for the study by lottery method and were given a peer validated questionnaire and the scores were compared and statistically analysed. The group who had elective posting in dermatology had a definite increase in the knowledge score which was statistically significant. In this study it was concluded that a compulsory posting in dermatology during internship will definitely improve the therapeutic and diagnostic skills of interns and almost 100 % of the interns who attended the study opted for a compulsory dermatology posting of at least 2 weeks. 

Keywords: Dermatology, interns, diagnostic and therapeutic skills.


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Corresponding Author

Dr Deepa Augustine

Assistant Professor, Department of Dermatology, Government Medical College, HMT Colony P.O   Ernakulam Kerala, India