Title: Clinicopathological Characteristics of Colorectal Carcinoma -A Retrospective Study in a Tertiary Care Center

Author: Dr P.Pavethira M.D Pathology, Dr K.A. Angulakshmi M.S General Surgery

 DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v7i7.22


The aim of this study is to find the predominant histological types of colon carcinomas among the resection specimens received in our centre and to study in detail about the various demographic details like age group, sex and the pathological characteristics of the same.The cases diagnosed as colorectal carcinomas from colonic resection specimens during a 3 year period in the department of pathology, PSGIMSR were included in the study. The clinical details like age, sex of the patients and other gross findings necessary such as site, size of the tumor were taken from the requisition slips. The representative paraffin blocks and H&E slides were retrieved from the archives of pathology. There were 40 cases of colorectal carcinoma, of these 21 cases (52%) were males and 19 (47.5%) were females. Maximum numbers of case were between the age group of 41 to 80 years. The youngest patient was a 33 year old female. A high proportion of the tumors were located on the distal colon. The sizes of the tumors were ranging from 1.0 cm to 8.0 cm in greater dimension. Majority of the tumors (32 cases, 80%) were conventional adenocarcinoma, 6 cases (15%) were mucinous adenocarcinoma and 2 cases (5%) were signet ring cellcarcinoma.Majority of them (27 cases, 67%) were moderately differentiated. 9 cases (22.5%) including the other variants like mucinous and signet ring cell carcinomas were poorly differentiated. Majority of the cases (70%) were in stage 3 and 25% of cases were in T1 stage. Lymph node metastases were seen in eleven cases.

Keywords: colonic carcinomas, age, sex, histology, grading, lymph node metastases.


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Corresponding Author

Dr P.Pavethira M.D Pathology

Assistant Professor, Department of Pathology, GMC and ESI Hospital, Coimbatore-15