Title: Application of R Software in Life Sciences

Authors: Immad A Shah, Shakeel A Mir, Imran Khan, Nageena Nazir, Owais Bhat, Shakeel Bhat

 DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v7i3.202



R programming a perfect choice to execute and analyze life science data, as there are vast developers working and coming up with new packages of R programming. R software is worth its popularity worldwide and it is going to scale further. R software allows a wide variety of statistical techniques like classical statistical tests, modeling (linear and nonlinear), classification, time series analysis, cluster analysis, as well as the graphical visualization of data. Besides, R software is highly extensible and an easy to learn language making this software an ideal choice for manipulating big data and life science data.


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Corresponding Author

Immad A Shah

Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology-Kashmir India

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