Title: Necrotizing Fasciitis of the breast in a non diabetic postmenopausal woman a Case report with review of Literature

Authors: Dr Rizwan Ahmad, Dr Mohammad Eqbal Ahmad

 DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v7i3.109



Necrotizing fasciitis of the breast is a rare condition that has a high morbidity if treatment is delayed.

There are only a few cases reported in literature and is stil an often missed condition Mistake for cellulitis or abscess of the breast.  

Necrotizing fasciitis is an aggressive infection of the skin subcutaneous tissue and fascia Mainly affecting the extremities, abdominal wall or perineum, it rarely involves the breast.

Case Report

68 year old woman, presented to the emergency department with Complaints of pain and foul smelling discharge from her left breast For the past 4 days prior to admission.

She is a known case of hypertension for 2 years and ACS (Details not known) there was no history of trauma, fever, chills, and previous breast surgeries.

On examination, GC fair, HR:-104\min:-100\mmHg,a 15cmx 12cm necrotic

Patch was seen involving all four quadrants and the nipple areola complex.

The lesion was the tense and tender. The surrounding skin was erythematous Tense and tender with local warmth Investigations showed

Elevated Total counts (16100cells/mm3)

Decreased hemoglobin (10.2gm/dl)

Ultrasound showed diffuse subcutaneous and

Glandular inflammation with edema of left breast

With axillary lymphadenopathy.


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Corresponding Author

Dr Rizwan Ahmad