Title: Comparison of Grayscale and Histogram Thorax Computed Radiography (CR) Image in Tuberculosis (TBC) Patients with Normal Thorax Image

Authors: Kadek Yuda Astina, Bagus Dharmawan, I Made Wijaya, Putu Rita Jeniyanthi, Wahyu Gitawiarsa

 DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v6i12.156


Introduction: According to WHO the world's leading cause of death was tuberculosis. Diagnosis of tuberculosis can be done by examining the chest X-ray to see the organs in the chest. This study aims to determine whether there is a difference in grayscale values and histogram on thorax computed radiography images of tuberculosis (TBC) patients.

Method: This research was quasi experimental with post-test only control group design method. The sample in this study were 30 patients who had chest X-ray examination. The Sample were divided into 2 groups, namely the control group (15 patients with normal thorax images) and the intervention group (15 patients with tuberculosis thorax images). Grayscale and histogram analysis were performed on Region of Interest (ROI) in the apex region of lung and superior lobe of the lung containing gloomy spots on the thorax image, assisted with a 16-bit MATLAB program, and later statistically analysed using SPSS 2.3 program.

Results: Non-paired T-test results concludes that there is a statistical difference of grayscale value between TB thorax image and normal thorax image, since the non-paired T-test reveals p value of less than <0,001 (p <0,05).

Conclusion: The grayscale data was then converted to histograms, which showed that the tubular thorax image histograms were leaning to the right (high grayscale value) and the normal thorax image histograms tend to skew to left side (low grayscale value). The mean value of grayscale of tuberculosis patients thorax images using 16 bit is 36896,89 while the mean value of normal thorax levels at 15036,51.

Keyword: Tuberculosis, computed radiography, thorax image, Histogram, grayscale.


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Kadek Yuda Astina

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