Title: Comparison of Prophylactic Infusion of Phenylephrine with Ephedrine For Prevention of Hypotension in Hysterectomies Under Spinal Anaesthesia: A Randomized Clinical Trial

Authors: Dr Manoranjan Mahapatra, Dr Aratiprava Sahu

 DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v6i12.127


Aim: Our aim was to assess and compare the effectiveness of prophylactic infusion of ephedrine and phenylephrine given in maintenance of arterial pressure during hysterectomies under sub-arachnoid block.

Methods: The present study was conducted on 80 patients undergoing elective hysterectomies under spinal anaesthesia belonging to American society of Anaesthesiologists Grade I and Grade II physical status. Group P– Phenylephrine 15 micrograms/min. Group E– Ephedrine 1.5 mg/min. Haemodynamic data was collected in both the groups and observations of the analysed data are presented as mean ± standard deviation.

Results: The prophylactic infusion of phenylephrine and ephedrine were effective in maintenance of arterial pressure within 20% limit of baseline. Additional bolus dose requirement was more in ephedrine group than phenylephrine. There was a reduction in heart rate with Phenylephrine and a rise in heart rate with ephedrine.

Conclusion: Although both drugs were effective in maintaining arterial blood pressure within normal range, Phenylephrine is more efficacious in comparison to ephedrine and additional bolus dose requirement is less with phenylephrine.

Keyword: phenylephrine, ephedrine, hysterectomies, spinal anaesthesia


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Dr Aratiprava Sahu

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