Title: Spontaneous Pelvic Hematoma- A Rare Manifestation of Sickle Cell Disease- A Case Report and Review of Literature

Authors: Royson Dsouza, Mrudula Rao, Deepa Korula, Susmita Chandramouleeswaran, Nandakumar Menon

 DOI:  https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v6i10.42


Hemorrhage in Sickle Cell Disease is not a common clinical entity and is most often limited to central nervous system bleeds, presenting with hemorrhagic stroke or extradural hematomas. We present an adolescent girl with Sickle Cell Disease who presented with acute abdominal pain and was diagnosed to have a spontaneous pelvic hematoma on non contrast CT. The girl had a normal coagulation profile with no other bleeding manifestations except for two episodes of epistaxis. She improved clinically after transfusion, and the pelvic hematoma resolved spontaneously with conservative management. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first reported manifestation of a spontaneous pelvic hematoma in a person with Sickle Cell Disease, presenting as acute abdomen, thus necessitating a high index of clinical suspicion of such an entity and appropriate management of the same.


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Corresponding Author

Dr Royson Dsouza
PG Registrar- Division of Surgery Christian Medical College, Vellore Vellore- 632004, Tamil Nadu, India
Ph- +91 99646 99591, Email: roy6dsouza@gmail.com