Title: Comparison of Post-Operative Analgesia after Single Shot Caudal Epidural Block Using Ropivacaine with or without Clonidine in Children

Author: Dr Shobha Namdeo Pore

 DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v7i4.51


Caudal epidural block is one of the most common regional anesthetic techniques in children being used to supplement general anesthesia for a wide variety of surgeries. The local anesthetics currently in use are safe and their pharmacological effects have been well evaluated. The aim of this study is to clinically evaluate the efficacy of caudal epidural clonidine in prolonging the post-operative analgesia when mixed with ropivacaine in children and to compare the post-operative pain-free duration and the side effects of ropivacaine with or without Clonidine. The addition of α-2 agonist, Clonidine to local anesthetic solution 0.2% ropivacaine has been shown to enhance the duration and quality of central and peripheral nerve blocks. The main advantage of Clonidine (versus opioids) is the negligible risk of respiratory depression.

Keywords: Caudal epidural, post-operative analgesia, ropivacaine, Clonidine.


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Corresponding Author

Dr Shobha Namdeo Pore

Senior Resident, Department of Anesthesiology, Government Medical College Miraj, Maharashtra, India

Plot No-15Shivparvati Nagar, Link Road, Pandharpur, Dist.: Solapur

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