Title: The Effect of Stimulation Methods on Breast Treatment for Breast Milk Smoothness in Postpartum Mother

Authors: Nurlaila, Nelly Indrasa

 DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v7i4.43


Background: According to 2013 health research the coverage of infants received breastfeeding exclusively in Lampung province only 59.4%. The total coverage of breastfeeding is still far from the target set by the southern Lampung regency itself and also even far from the national goal of 80%.

Objective: This study aims to determine breast stimulation techniques to increase breast milk production in postpartum mothers in Lampung province.

Methods: This research method used a quasi-experimental design. This study compared groups that were treated and the control group. Treatment group one was given the massage treatment of Marmot techniques & breast care. Group two was treated with oxytocin & massage techniques of breast care. Group three were treated with Marmot massage, oxytocin & massage technique breast care, and a control group was given a treatment of breast care. The population in this study was postpartum mothers who gave birth in southern Lampung district in 2018. The research sample was 60.

Result: Marmot Massage techniques, massage techniques, and oxytocin breast care average the signs of breast milk smoothness was 13.40. The method of massage for oxytocin & breast care on common signs of breast milk smoothness was 12.87.  Marmot massage & breast care average signs was 12.47 and Breast care produced average mark = 11.73. The results of the statistical test obtained a value of p <0.005, which means that it can be concluded that there are significant differences for the average smoothness between the four interventions carried out.

Conclusion: The average smoothness of breast milk if given a Marmot technique massage intervention, the oxytocin & massage technique is the best among the three other interventions when viewed from the average smoothness of existing breastfeeding.

Keyword: Breastfeeding, Breast Stimulation, Marmot Technique, Breast Milk.


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