Title: Use of Plasma Rich in Growth Factors (PRGF) for the Treatment of Dry Eye in Patients Attending in Tertiary Care Hospital at A.N.M.M.C.H. Gaya

Authors: Dr Ramakant Thakur, Dr Arjun Choudhary

 DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v7i4.19


Objective: Present study was undertaken to evaluate the efficacy of plasma rich in growth factors (PRGF) for the treatment of dry eye.

Material and Methods: A total of 62 patients suffering from dry eye problems were included in the study. These patients did not respond previously to other standard treatments. PRGF treatment was given topically in these patients. We quantified several growth factors present in the PRGF of each patients and record the data of the symptoms (modified score dry eye questionnaire), both before and after PRGF treatment.

Result:  Out of 62 patients, 48 (77.41%) patients treated with PRGF have no further treatment been required, whereas in the remaining 14 patients (22.59%) other ocular treatments could be reduced. Significant improvement in score of dry eye questionnaire value was observed after PRGF treatment.

Conclusion: PRGF treatment led to improvement in the symptoms in patients with moderate or severe dry eye.

Keywords: Dry eye, Plasma growth factors, Symptoms, treatment.


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Corresponding Author

Dr Ramakant Thakur

Eye Specialist, Sub-Divisional Hospital, Mahua, Vaishali, Bihar, India