Title: A Rare Case of Neuroretinitis with Neurosensory Detachment

Authors: Birjees Hakak, Afroz Khan

 DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v7i3.110


Case Report

A 25 year old  man, smoker, non -diabetic, non- hypertensive, a driver by occupation presented with two days history of sudden diminution of vision in the left eye associated with mild pain on and off on the same side.

On examination the visual acuity was 6/6 in the right eye and finger counting at half meter in left eye at presentation. He had RAPD and defective color vision in left eye. Fundus examination showed disc edema on left side without hemorrhages and a patch of pale retina along the distribution of cilioretinal artery.

The physical examination was normal with pulse 72 bpm, was afebrile and BP recorded was 110/70 mmHg.


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Corresponding Author

Birjees Hakak

PG Scholar, Department of Ophthalmology, Govt. Medical College, Srinagar, India