Title: Klenengan Music Therapy on Sleep Quality in Elderly Patients at Pratama Barokah Clinic

Authors: Syaifurrahman Hidayat, Mujib Hannan, Laylatul Hasanah, Ulfatul Riska

 DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v6i12.16


Introduction: Aging is the process of growing old. It occurs eventually in every living thing provided, of course, that an illness or accident does not kill it prematurely. Elderly is a decrease in function of each body system. This reduction include physical, psychological, social and spiritual changes. In psychological changes there is a decrease in the sleep quality system, which is one of the health problems experienced by the elderly, namely insomnia. Non-pharmacological therapy that can be done to overcome sleep quality problems is music therapy. Klenengan Music Therapy can restore, relax, improve emotions, physical, psychological and health.

Methods: This research used pre experimental research method with one group pretest and postest design. Total population of this study were 50 peoples. The study sample consist of 37 peoples . Data analized with Wilcoxon (α) with statistical test 5% = 0.05

Result: The results showed that most of the elderly with poor sleep quality before treatment (pretest) with < 6 hours of sleep time as many as 25 respondents (68%) and most of the good quality of sleep after treatment (post test) were 23 respondents (62%).

Conclusion: This Study highlight that Klenengan Music therapy can be use for non-pharmacological therapies to improve sleep quality in elderly patients.

Keywords: Klenengan, Music Therapy, Sleep Quality


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Corresponding Author

Syaifurrahman Hidayat

Universitas Wiraraja

Sumenep-Pamekasan Street KM.5 Patean Sumenep, East Java , Indonesia