Title: Morphological study of leukemia and its correlation with Siemens Advia 2120i cytogram and Immunophenotyoing

Authors: Dr Manish Kumar Singhal, Dr Rachna Agrawal

 DOI:  https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v6i7.98


Introduction: Morphological evaluation of peripheral blood (PB) and bone marrow (BM) cells through microscopic examination of properly stained smears remains crucial in haematological diagnosis of leukemias. Morphology is crucial for the diagnosis and followup particularly of myeloid neoplasms, and above all myelodysplastic syndromes: therefore the microscope still remains a very important tool in the integrated diagnostic process of haematological diseases.

 The objectives of the present study were morphological diagnosis of leukemias and correlate them with data of Siemens autoanalyser and immunophenotyping of leukemia patients.

Material and Methods: The present study was done in the haematology, a section of central pathology laboratory, Department of Pathology of SMS Medical College, Jaipur . The investigations (full blood count with differential and morphological assessments) for each case and bone marrow examination and immunophenotyping data whenever possible were requested by the treating physician as part of the diagnostic work up.

Result: 192 blood and bone marrow aspirate samples from leukemic cases were studied in the Department of Pathology. Out of total 192 cases (100%) of leukemia, 86 cases (44.7%) were acute leukemia and 102  cases (53.1%) were chronic leukemia. 116 cases (60.4%) were male and 76 cases (39.5%). In present study the age wise distribution showed that ALL is more common in children whereas AML is more common in adult age group. The accuracy of the Advia cytograms to classify leukaemia was only 61.4 % and the accuracy of morphology was 79.6%.

Conclusion: CML (74.4%) was highest among all leukemia followed by AML. ALL was common in childhood as compared to AML which is more common in adults .Chronic leukemia were more more prevalent in adult and more common in male compared to female. the analysis of WBC cytograms in conjunction with morphology can improve the overall assessment of leukaemic patient.

Keywords: acute leukemia ,ALL,AML,CML,CLL


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Corresponding Author

Dr Rachna Agrawal

Senior Demonstrator, Dept of Anatomy,

Medical College, Bharatpur, Rajasthan, India