Title: Seizure Pattern and Biochemical Abnormality in Neonatal Seizure

Authors: Dr Rakesh Sharma, Dr Arvind Sood

 DOI:  https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v5i9.104


Neonatal seizures have always been a topic of particular interest for the pediatricians. This is a more so because of its universal occurrence and varied number of conditions capable of causing it. Neonatal seizures are common neurological problem in neonatal period with a frequency of 1.5 to 14/1000 [1]. They are most common causes of referral to Pediatric neurology The presence of seizure does not constitute a diagnosis but it is a symptom of and underlying central nervous system disorder of systemic and biochemical abnormality, The neonate is at particular risk for development of seizure because of metabolic, anoxic, structural and infectious causes, although no cause can be identified in one fourth of cases [2]. It is essential to determine the etiology of seizure at the earliest because it gives an opportunity to treat the seizure actively and promptly to avoid unnecessary morbidity, mortality and sequelae associated with it [1]. The most hazardous period of life, unquestionably is the neonatal period, never again in life individual is confronted with more dramatic challenges than in transition from dependent  intrauterine existence to independent post natal life, Because of immature nervous system of new born, newborn brain responds in form of convulsion even to minor insult. Seizure in new born is an acute emergency and frequently indicate significant damage to central nervous system in neonates. Clinical presentation of seizure, etiology and mana-gement and prognosis of seizure differ markedly to convulsions occurring in older children [3].



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Dr Arvind Sood

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