Title: A Study of Pathological Evaluation and Management of Thyroid Nodule in Western Rajasthan

Authors: Sanjay Kumar Saini, Ashok Parmar, Tapasya

 DOI:  https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v5i9.69


Background: The diseases of thyroid from a major share of head and neck surgery. Clinical examination although very accurate in most cases, is inadequate in most areas especially in staging of thyroid malignancies and in detecting the multi nodularity of the gland.

Methods: this is Cross sectional record based study.12 months (August 2015 to July 2016) at Dept.of Surgery, S.P. Medical College and P.B. M Hospital, Bikaner.

Results: Majority (90%) patients were Benign and 10% patients were malignant. Maximum 64% patients were operated with hemithyroidectomy whereas 16% had nodule excision and 14% were operated with total thyroidectomy. 8% patients had near total or subtotal thyroidectomy. 4% had total thyroidectomy with MRND and only 2% had isthmectomy.

Conclusion: Most of thyoid swelling were benign.

Keywords: Thyroid Swelling; Goiter; FNAC.



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