Title: The Effect of Zinc and Vitamin C Additional on Healing Process of Second Degree Perineal Wound in Postpartum

Authors: Listyaning Eko Martanti, Noor Pramono, Sri Wahyuni, Imam Djamaluddin Mashoedi, Donny Kristanto Mulyantoro, Dyah Fatmasari

 DOI:  https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v5i9.27


Background: The intake of nutrients is one of the important factors affecting the wound healing process, one of which is zinc and vitamin C

Objective: To assess the effects of zinc and vitamin C additional on healing process of second degree perineal wound in postpartum.

Methods: The design of this study used experiments with a post test only control group design. With a simple random sampling technique, 50 respondents were selected from the population, consisting of 24 respondent were given zinc with a dose 20 mg, 1x1 daily for 7 days and 26 respondent were given vitamin C with a dose 100 mg, 1x1 daily for 7 days. Data analysis with Mann Whitney test.

Result: The addition of vitamin C to postpartum mothers with second degree perineal wound have a shorter duration of healing time than postpartum mothers who given zinc, i,e (8,15 days for vitamin C group and 9,13 days for zinc group) and have better perineal wound score where in vitamin C group the respondents that healed are 16 (61,5%) than zinc group where the respondents that healed are 7 (29,2%) in 7th day of assessment.

Conclusion: The addition of vitamin C is better in shortening the healing process of the second degree perineal wound compared to the addition of zinc

Keywords: Vitamin C, Zinc, Wound Healing Process, Perineal Wound, Postpartum.


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Listyaning Eko Martanti

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