Title: Revitalization the Integrated Health Service and Promotions Post For Non - Communicable Disease in Boosting Visiting Rates and Blood  Glucose Improvement to  Diabetic Patient

Authors: Walin, Hartati, Subandiyo

 DOI:  https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v5i5.130


 Introduction: Non-communicable diseases (NCD) is a disease that commonly caused by the lifestyle which is also known as degenerative diseases. The number of the mortality rate of noninfectious diseases continues to rise throughout the world especially in developing and poor countries. More than two-thirds (70%) of the global population suffered from non communicable diseases such as cancer, heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. In Indonesia, to ensure community empowerment at the village level in health care,  Posbindu PTM (NCD Health Service and Promotions Post) is introduced.

Objective: The study is to determine the impact of the revitalization of this post by providing service of diabetes gymnastic toward attendance rates and glucose levels for the patient suffering from diabetes mellitus.

Methods: The research design is analytical study by applying pre-experimental pre-post test design with the controlling group. The population is diabetes mellitus patients obtained through purposive sampling technique. Levels of glucose was measured before and after diabetic gymnastic exercise. Paired and independent t-test was performed to show the level of significant.

Result: The research proved that there was significant differences of glucose level before and after gymnastic diabetes exercise both in treatment and controlled groups. However, there is no significant relationship between the frequency of attending the integrated development program for non-communicable diseases toward glucose level of diabetes patients.

Conclusion: Revitalization of integrated non-communicable diseases post providing service of gymnastic diabetes exercise has a positive impact on lowering glucose level of diabetes patients.

Keywords: Diabetes Mellitus, Blood Glucose, Revitalization, Non-Communicable Disease, Integrated Health Service and Promotions Post.


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Politeknik Kesehatan, Kemenkes Semarang, Indonesia