Title: Significance of Inter-Ictal Period in Detection of Epilepsy by EEG

Authors: Dr Rimpy Bhuyan, Dr Wasima Jahan, Dr Narayan Upadhyaya

 DOI:  https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v5i3.206


Objectives: To evaluate the sensitivity of EEG in diagnosing Epilepsy in different inter-ictal periods.

Materials and Methods: The study was done from June 2014 to May 2015.One hundred and thirteen clinically diagnosed cases of epilepsy were studied and analyzed through electro-encephalogram using the internationally accepted 10-20 electrode placement method.

Results: EEG was successful in detecting all 22 clinically diagnosed epilepsy cases coming within 48 hours of seizure episode and all 7 clinically diagnosed cases coming within 24 hours of seizure episode. However cases that arrived after 3 to 7 days of attack had only 87.88% sensitivity of EEG detection. And cases coming after a week or one month of attack had 13.55 % sensitivity of EEG diagnosis.

Conclusion: It was found that EEG, in the patients presenting immediately after the 1st day or 2nd day of the seizure episode, was more successful in detecting Epilepsy.

Keywords: EEG, Epilepsy, Inter-ictal Period, Seizure.


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Corresponding Author

Dr Rimpy Bhuyan
