Title: Madness In Self Injury-Severe Cut Throat Self Inflicted Injury By A Mentally Deranged Person

Authors: Mohammad Mojahid Anwar, Mohd Asrarul Haque, Faiz Ahmad, Munawwar Husain, Jawed Ahmad Usmani, Mohd Adil

 DOI:  http://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v4i2.38


There are innumerable cases in which mentally deranged individual have attempted self inflicted injury over the neck and throat. This injury is glaringly absurd in nature and could defy logic and reasoning. The present case report is on in series of such cases. The uniqueness in the present case is that mentally unsound person practically severed his neck under the command of a voice considered by him holy and binding.

Key-words: Self-inflicted injury, mentally deranged, cut-throat, psychiatric disorder, Command from spirit.


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Corresponding Author

Dr Mohd Asrarul Haque

Senior Resident, Dept of Forensic Medicine

J. N. Medical College, AMU, Aligarh 202002.

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