Title: Parotid Branchial Cyst: A Case Report

Authors: Dr Santosh Thorat, Dr V.S.Dube

 DOI:  http://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v4i2.37


Lymphoepithelial cyst or branchial cyst is an aberrant pathology during embryogenesis involving the branchial Arches. The usual site of presentation is below the angle of the mandible in the anterior triangle of the neck.

Branchial cyst masquerading as a swelling in the parotid region is of uncommon occurrence and there are only about 100 reported cases.

Here we report a case of  28 year female presenting with a 6 month history of painless cystic swelling in the  region of the parotid, for which total excision of the swelling was done followed by histopahological examination  which revealed it to be branchial cyst.

Due to rarity of this pathology and unusual presentation authors are reporting this one.     

Keywords:  branchial cyst, lymphoepithelial cyst.


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Corresponding Author

Dr Santosh Thorat

MBBS MS FIAGES, Asst. Prof Surgery

Dept. of General Surgery, B J GMC & Sassoon Hospital Pune