Title: Effectiveness of Progressive Muscle Relaxation and Activity Schedule on Depression and Activities of Daily Living Among Elderly Patients

Authors: Jayapriya. R, Santhi. S, Sujatha. V

 DOI:  http://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v4i2.33


Most commonly the depressive syndrome is observed among the elderly. Depression is a syndrome and a disorder; it involves episodes of sadness, loss of interest, pessimism, negative beliefs about the self, decreased motivation, behavioural passivity, suicidal thoughts and impulses, changes in sleep, appetite and sexual interest. Depression is a mental illness, which currently accounts for nearly 30% of people between the age of 45 and 75years in India. The title of the study was to assess the effectiveness of progressive muscle relaxation and activity schedule on depression and activities of daily living among elderly patients. The research design adopted for this study was quasi-experimental pretest and posttest with control group design. The tool used for this study was Geriatric depression scale and ADL checklist. PMR and AS was given to the patients on an one-to-one basis to each participant to reduce muscle tension and motivated them to do their daily living activities independently. The study result showed that the mean value of depression in the study group decreased from 17.27 to 12.73 (p <0.001 level) and the mean value of ADL in the study group increased from 2.87 to 4.33 (p <0.001 level) and in the control group and there was no significant change in the mean score of depression and ADL. Also there was a significant difference in the posttest mean score of level of depression and ADL between the study and control group at p <0.001 level. So, PMR and ADL was found to be more effective in reducing the level of depression and improving to do their daily living activities of elderly patients independently.

Keywords: depression, progressive muscle relaxation, activities of daily living, independently.


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Corresponding Author

Jayapriya. R

Sri Ramachandra University, Faculty of Nursing

Chennai, Tamilnadu 600116, India

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