Title: Endosalpingiosis in a Young Female Presenting As Acute Abdomen: A Rare Clinical Presentation

Authors: Dr Rameshwari M Nisty*, Dr Saraswathi Ramesh, Dr M Ramesh

 DOI:  http://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v4i3.20


We are reporting a case of Endosalpingiosis which presented as a cystic mass  and  peritoneal implants. Clinically and radiologically, this was interpreted as an ovarian tumor. Mullerianosis is a very rare benign tumor-like lesion. Awareness of this lesion is necessary to avoid misdiagnosis by clinicians, radiologists, and pathologists.

Keywords: Endosalpingiosis , Mullerianosis , Fallopian tube disease.


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Corresponding Author

Dr Rameshwari M Nisty

Department of Mininally Invasive Gynaecology

B.E.S.T Institute and Research Centre, A V Hospital Bangalore, India