Title: Endodontic Management of Mesotaurodontic Maxillary First Molar – A Case Report

Authors: Dr Upendra Hoshing, Dr Suvarna Patil, Dr Shivangi Baraskar

 DOI:  http://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v4i6.31


Taurodontism can be defined as a change in tooth shape caused by the failure of the Hertwig’s epithelial sheath diaphragm to invaginate at the proper horizontal level. An enlarged pulp chamber, apical displacement of the pulpal floor, and no constriction at the level of the cementoenamel junction are the characteristic features. Permanent molars are most commonly affected. Endodontic treatment of a taurodont tooth is challenging and requires special handling because of the proximity and apical displacement of the roots. Here, we report a case in which endodontic treatment of the maxillary right first molar with taurodontism was performed. In this case, the maxillary right second molar was also taurodont teeth.

KEY WORDS: Endodontic treatment, enlarged pulp chamber, taurodontism.



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Corresponding Author

Dr Shivangi Baraskar

PG student, Department of conservative dentistry and Endodontics,

Vasantdada Patil Dental College and Hospital, Sangli